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My first clubhouse room!

I'm officially a moderator on Clubhouse! Yay! Have you gotten on the app?  It's still new, and in development, so it's only available on Apple iPhones, and iPads, etc.  It's still "invite only" and they did this on purpose, but I don't think it was meant to be exclusive, like a private club, rather because they are still in the "Beta" phase of growing, and developing, and didn't want to have millions join too fast, and thus overload the system.  Once you're on it, they you realize the value of it.  It's cool how the conversations in these "rooms" are generally based around a specific niche idea/ industry/ topic/ question.  There are rooms with thousands of listeners, and then there are smaller rooms which allow you to make new friends, and to be "brought up onto the stage," to speak.  It's audio only, and only Twitter and Instagram are linked in your profile, so it seems pretty clean and neat.  I like how there...
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Expand your network!

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Clubhouse!  Wow.  I just started it yesterday, and I can already see the value.  It's not for everybody, but I can see why millions are already obsessed with it.  I think it's going to be very popular, at least for a few years for a few reasons.  (1) The fact that it's audio-only makes it simple, and easy-to-use.  (2). Then, there's total freedom to enter any "room" you want, and thus you can listen in on these very interesting, specific, niche/ unique conversations.  (3)  With moderators leading the "panel discussions," it remains well-organized, clear, helpful, and professional.  (4)  It allows you to follow either specific interests, or groups, or people, and so once you choose your interests, you're automatically shown ongoing "rooms" that appeal to those areas of interest you selected.  (5)  There's no limit on the character length of your profile bio, so you can get very creative with your bio (what others would see)....