I'm officially a moderator on Clubhouse! Yay! Have you gotten on the app? It's still new, and in development, so it's only available on Apple iPhones, and iPads, etc. It's still "invite only" and they did this on purpose, but I don't think it was meant to be exclusive, like a private club, rather because they are still in the "Beta" phase of growing, and developing, and didn't want to have millions join too fast, and thus overload the system. Once you're on it, they you realize the value of it. It's cool how the conversations in these "rooms" are generally based around a specific niche idea/ industry/ topic/ question. There are rooms with thousands of listeners, and then there are smaller rooms which allow you to make new friends, and to be "brought up onto the stage," to speak. It's audio only, and only Twitter and Instagram are linked in your profile, so it seems pretty clean and neat. I like how there...
Updates from Adam's Unconventional Book Tour! First, though, let me share that in this picture, my wife, Muna is with Aaron, our younger son, when he was about three, I guess. What a great pic, right? Ok, so over the last month, January '21, I started a new, robust networking plan to try and reach out to new people, every day, over social media, because I need to tell the world about my new book. I also started dm'-ing some celebrities, but didn't have any luck with that, so I realized that I can still make progress in building a bigger network by reaching out to amazing people who have at least 500 followers on ig. Yes, I realized that if I could go "instagram live" with a new friend each day, through the Spring + Summer of '21, then I could tap into other people's networks. Now... if you've been paying attention, I wrote that today, Feb. 1st was going to be the day I intended to "go public" with the big plans and grand mission in ...