Good day: There is a lot covered in this week’s video lecture (see below for video), and I think it’s hard to boil it all down to three big points. Before I start, I want to share that I think we will all have many different synopses, or versions of what we felt were the three biggest points. You see … I never read what others have posted before I write my own, as the desire to have and share original thoughts is powerful, and so I have not yet looked, but I think it’s going to be interesting to see what others have said. This was a great video/ lecture. I love what I do, and even though I don’t have a Bachelor’s in linguistics, I feel like an expert in language acquisition, having taught in the ELL classroom for ten years now. I love this field, and feel so lucky to be able to help my students acquire language. Did you notice I didn’t say “learn,” as in to “learn a language?” Yes, well, at the end of the lecture, he shares Chomsky’s idea tha...