ELL, Unit One – Technology Intro & Tech Terms to Know
Day Two -
Ok, let’s do some more questions and discussion:
1. What’s the battery life on your iPad?
2. What does “sync” mean… and how or why do you need to do this sometimes?
3. To write a 3-page paper for History class or English, what kind of software do you need?
4. Name 2 kinds of software that allow you to do word processing?
5. If your mom wanted to buy Microsoft Office Software, what products would she get with her purchase?
6. How much do you think Microsoft Office costs… for home use?
7. How much does it cost to use Google Docs?
8. Many people still prefer Microsoft Word, over Google Docs, because there is a delay when typing in Google Docs. What is a “delay” during word processing?
9. What’s your new Gmail school-email address?
10. Can you write to anyone in the world with your new school email?
11. What’s the deal with storage on your iPad?
12. What’s dropbox? Don’t know? Watch their intro video!
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